Useful Tips on How to Maintain Split AC System
Scorching and sweltering heat could take a huge toll if not managed by a functional air conditioner. Though there are many types of air conditioners that come in the market as some house owners prefer windows AC then some prefer split AC systems and very few prefer portable AC systems. The choice of choosing the air conditioner depends upon a lot of factors like the size of the room, what type of AC you prefer and the how much cooler you want the surroundings to remain cool. On the other hand, when you purchase the AC then after that do you have an idea on how to keep its maintenance level. Many of you not haven’t known this but here in this blog AC repair Weston service has listed out a few of the tips that could help you in maintaining the systematic functioning of the split AC system for both residential and commercial setups.
Check Air Filters
The air filters are the one of the important components that should be checked 100% and if are found dirty then need to be replaced. The air conditioner’s functioning lot depends upon the condition of the filters and if they are dirty, then the air that gets circulated by them will also be dirty.
Check Evaporator Coil
The heat gets absorbed by the evaporator coil and this way the cold air gets circulated through the system. So checking on the evaporator coil at regular intervals of time is very essential as the maintenance of the evaporator coil improves the circulation of the air and helps the house to remain cooler in the summer.
Check Refrigerant Levels
The refrigerant is being used to absorb heat and circulate fresh air all around. So if there is a refrigerant leak, then it could result in not absorbing the adequate amount of heat and thus will not circulate the substantial amount of sir. So at regular intervals of time, the refrigerant leaks should be checked by calling the expert of the AC repair Weston service and should be fixed.